Hi. I’m Brian McFadden, and I’m a writer and teacher who has spent the last 10 years as a personal trainer, nutrition coach, performance consultant and poet.

I create products, produce content and facilitate experiences to help people become the most adaptive and resilient versions of themselves (including myself).

I’ve worked with professional athletes, stay-at-home-moms and everything in between. My work and ideas have been featured in Thought Catalog, The Start-Up, Personal Growth, Better Humans, Breaking Muscle, The Good Men Project, Thrive Global, Lifehack, TNation, and Muscle & Strength.

I’m also a top writer on Medium in the areas of mental health, poetry, productivity, creativity, love, and inspiration.

My debut poetry book, moonflower (coming 2021) is a non-linear journey of what it’s like to live with anxiety but to choose to press on anyway.

What connects all of my work and projects is my newsletter, Being Well.

This newsletter is where I share articles on ancient wisdom and modern science in order to explore what it takes to live a productive life.

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