Exploring Silos

It is my hope that you will come across people who live harmoniously with the natural flow of life while also mastering their craft. Although these people are rare, they are becoming more accessible due to our technological advancement. 

These people live what Keyserling calls the “symbolic life” — they become the living expressed version of the symbols that aim to emulate. Things like strength, concentrated power, empathy, abundance, and equanimity come alive within their aura. 

This, of course, presents a tension: The balance of mastery and flexibility. While there are many angles, here is a story that might help you contextualized this lesson. 

A previous United States president was once a law professor who decided to run for the seat. His initial campaign efforts were colored with lecture-style speeches and none of it worked. He then looked at other masters in a different market to understand the first principles of effective oration. He found that spiritual leaders used a form of speech that was filled with hope, vision, and direction while also providing an underlying sense of unity. He modeled what he found in Church’s into his public speaking and went onto be arguably one of the best orators of our time. 

This is the power of exploring silos to improve your craft.